
On The Other Side Of Disappointment – How To Re-engage in Life After Major Setbacks and Disappointments

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This book is a reflective look back over the past few years; lessons learned, battles fought and victories won. This is a book about recovery; a topic many will relate to, regardless of your faith perspective.

I found the Scripture to be a source of great encouragement, but perhaps not for the reason one might immediately conclude. What I discovered were accounts of real people with very human issues. I was encouraged to find that God did not abandon when others did. They overcame moments of great personal defeat, and came out the other side stronger, and bigger people.
In writing this, I made a very deliberate attempt to, 1) not to dwell on specific situations from my life, as I wanted lessons and conclusions to have a wide range of applications. 2) I was careful to not gloss over Biblical accounts. I wanted to show the human dynamics of real people and the real issues they faced.
All of us desert wanders look for clues to help on the journey called life. I hope this will be a few trail clues to help you get to ‘the other side of disappointment’.

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About the author:

Rick Brewster has lived and worked internationally facilitating the development of leaders, and church ministries. Unexpectedly and abruptly, a thirty-year career ended with a three-week severance. Even faith based organizations are not exempt from internal politics and power struggles. And all too often,  people in ministry assignments are prone to derive purpose and value from their work roles.

It was only a few years later when his wife was diagnosed with stage four cancer and passed away two year later. That is when the bottom fell out; life was forever changed. The truth was, even as a Christian, these loses left him devoid of purpose. The search for answers became more than just a theological discourse. It was survival: how do you re-engage in life when you’ve been taken back to zero? How do you rediscover purpose after your world has collapsed?
On The Other Side Of Disappointment is a practical look at the Scripture to reveal fears, failures and comebacks. Answers may not always come when we want them, and not always in ways we recognize. But our God walks with us through the dark places, silent at times, but present.
This book is written from a reflective viewpoint with the intention of avoiding details of specific circumstances. Instead, Rick addresses lessons learned and passes them along to those caught in the struggle of trying to make sense of life and faith, when blindsided by life’s disappointments.
In the course of time, a wonderful woman came into his life. Two lost desert wanders helped each other find direction and rediscover purpose again. The ability to share and compare with someone who understood, enabled him to put perspective to the past. With faith intact, he writes to encourage those who are at a point of wrestling with their most difficult questions, addressing:
 * What we go through is transitional, not terminal.
 * Letting go of the past enables us to embrace a bigger future.
 * Your voice may have been muffled, but it is not muted.