Guest: Pastor Earl Dixon, Jr.
After 14 years of pastoring, Pastor Earl Dixon Jr. obeyed the voice of God in planting Life Changers Ministries International. During that time God blessed Life Changers to bless the lives of many people. However, after 11 years of successful ministry under the name Life Changers, being INFUSED with the Gospel message of the KINGDOM of God, Life Changers changed its name to KINGDOM MINISTRIES!
Pastor Earl Dixon’s uncompromising, bold and upfront teaching has led to many amazing accomplishments. He is a religious author with 5 books to his credit entitled: “Pastoral Abuse, The Other Side of the Story”, “How To Handle Your Creditors”, “Understanding the Processing of God” & “Maximizing Your Membership”, and “How To Avoid Quitting”
Once asked how he characterizes his assignment in the kingdom of God, Pastor Dixon’s response was: “I see myself as one who Motivates and Provokes Change.” His assignment at Kingdom Ministries is to EMPOWER PEOPLE WITH THE MESSAGE OF THE KINGDOM!