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Sex and the Single Christian
FORNICATION: CONSENSUAL SEXUAL INTERCOURSE BETWEEN TWO PERSONS NOT MARRIED TO EACH OTHER What does God say about fornication? To avoid fornication, let every man have his own wife, and let every woman have her own husband. (I Corinthians 7:2 KJV) In her book, Pastor Alexis Soberanis explores the dangerous and devastating effects of fornication. She reveals that when God instructed the human race to avoid fornication at all costs, He provided a beautiful alternative: the covenant of marriage. “Marriage is honorable, and the bed is undefiled, but fornicators and adulterers God will judge” (Hebrews 13:4 nkjv). Pastor Soberanis demonstrates how the act of fornication will continue to affect generations unless the cycle of pre-marital sex is broken by the power and blood of Jesus Christ. Fornication is a forgivable sin, but it has disturbing consequences, including incurable sexual diseases; mass murder (by abortions); unplanned and unwanted children, resulting in hundreds of thousands of them having to be placed in the foster care system (many of these foster homes are incompatible and abusive); and most recently, many newborns being disposed of in garbage dumpsters by unwed teenage girls not emotionally and psychologically prepared for motherhood. Pastor Soberanis’ desire is that every single who reads this book will make the decision to accept God’s alternative to pre-marital sex, which is to wait for their Godordained spouse, leading into the confines of marriage, and in the process, canceling the generational iniquity of fornication and fatherlessness and starting a new blessing of sexual abstinence until marriage, resulting in strong and lasting family unit
Guest: Pastor Alexis Soberanis